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Step into a world where your data works smarter

Case Study

Pottstown | From Many Systems To Just One


The Problem

The Borough of Pottstown Department of Licensing and Inspections oversees permits and inspections, contractor registrations, rental inspections and licensing zoning and land development.  The Department staff had to switch between multiple software applications to do invoicing and billing, registering rentals and contractors, and property transfer fees, causing unnecessary complexity, workflow disruptions, inconsistent data, and lost time serving customers

The Solution

Carrigan Technologies offered a solution that the Department adopted, which moved all rentals and contractor registrations into the CMIS system.  This change provided a batch billing solution for the rentals and the ability to create a bill on demand for such things as missed rentals, transfer inspections, new rentals,  and contractors' registration fees.

The user would enter the billing section showing all fees available and click on what price to charge.  The CMIS technology allows us to deliver a PDF preview of the invoice on the fly so the user can immediately see what it will look like before issuing. Encoding the bill with the proper account codes enables finance to process payments quickly and was also implemented for rentals, property transfers, and contractor registrations.

The Outcome

Now the Borough of Pottstown’s Licensing and Inspections department can process billing from one central application that links all the data together.  Contractors can register and pay much more efficiently, cutting down on their time at the Borough for obtaining a permit.  Invoices can be created much quicker and accurately and sent out immediately.  All finance information is linked to the property record through the permit, rental, or transfer for easy access and checking.

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